Title | Original Title | Genre | Seasons | Tot. Eps. | Year |
48 Hours | 48 Ore | Action | 12x50' | 05 | |
Beyond the Lake – The Series | Al di là del lago - la serie | Family | 12x50' | 10 | |
ON THE WINGS OF THE EAGLE | ALI DELLA VITA (LE) | Drama | 2 | 4x100' | 99-01 |
Girlfriends | Amiche Mie | Comedy | 12x50' | 08 | |
Love and Vendetta | AMORE E UNA VENDETTA (UN) | Drama | 16x50' | 10 | |
Love Ties | AMORI | Family | 6x60' | 88-89 | |
Diamond Angels | Angeli e diamanti | Family | 6x50' | 09 | |
STRIPPER NANNY | ANNA E I CINQUE | Comedy | 2 | 24x50' | 08-10 |
Good old days (The) | Anni 50 + Anni 60 | Comedy | 2 | 8x100' | 98-99 |
POLITICAL TARGET | ATTACCO ALLO STATO | True Story | 4x50' | 05 | |
LATIN LAWYER (THE) | Avvocato Porta (L') | Comedy | 8x90' | 97-99 | |
Kissed by Love | Baciati dall'amore | Family | 12x50' | 10 | |
Beauty Center | Bello delle donne (Il) | Drama | 3 | 72x50' | 01-03 |
Gourmet Wars | Benvenuti a tavola ! | Comedy | 2 | 34x50' | 12 |
WOMEN’S DUTY | CARABINIERI | Comedy | 7 | 174x50' | 01-07 |
Dear Teacher | CARO MAESTRO | Comedy | 2 | 28x45' | 95-96 |
My Daughters | Caterina e le sue figlie | Drama | 3 | 18x100' | 04-09 |
Cry from the Past (A) | Cerchi nell'acqua (I) | Mystery | 8x50' | 10 | |
Join the family | Cesaroni (I) | Family | 6 | 142x50' | 06-14 |
Clare’s family | CHIARA E GLI ALTRI | Comedy | 2 | 26X50' | 89 |