Title | Original Title | Genre | Seasons | Tot. Eps. | Year |
Our Land | Questa è la mia terra | Period | 2 | 14x100' | 05-07 |
A MATTER OF RESPECT | Onore e il rispetto (L') | Drama | 5 | 32x100' | 05-16 |
48 Hours | 48 Ore | Action | 12x50' | 05 | |
SEASONS OF THE HEART | LE STAGIONI DEL CUORE | Period | 12x100' | 04 | |
Performers | GRANDI DOMANI | Family | 24x50' | 04 | |
NEW SIGHT (A) | NOI | Drama | 4x100' | 04 | |
My Daughters | Caterina e le sue figlie | Drama | 3 | 18x100' | 04-09 |
Mediterranean Magistrate | Giudice Mastrangelo | Family | 2 | 10x100' | 04-06 |
Laws of Love | Cuore contro cuore | Drama | 26x50' | 04 | |
It’s due or die | O la va o la spacca | Comedy | 8x50' | 04 | |
Family Storm | Ciclone in famiglia (Un) | Comedy | 4 | 36x50' | 04-08 |
About my brother | E poi c'è Filippo | Investigation | 6x100' | 04 | |
Elisa di Rivombrosa | Elisa di Rivombrosa | Drama | 3 | 68x50' | 02-07 |
WOMEN’S DUTY | CARABINIERI | Comedy | 7 | 174x50' | 01-07 |
Beauty Center | Bello delle donne (Il) | Drama | 3 | 72x50' | 01-03 |
POLICE DISTRICT | Distretto di polizia | Police | 11 | 282x50' | 00-11 |
NEVER TOO OLD | NON HO L'ETA' | Comedy | 2 | 4x100' | 00-01 |
Making the grade | SEI FORTE MAESTRO | Comedy | 2 | 52x50' | 00-01 |
Cuore | Cuore (di M.Zaccaro) | Drama | 6x100' | 00 | |
VALERIA – CUT TO THE TRUTH | VALERIA MEDICO LEGALE | Family | 2 | 10x100' | 99-01 |