Christmas at last
TV Movies
- Genre: Comedy, Family
- Total episodes: 1x100'
- Original title: Finalmente Natale
- Year: 2007
Two days before Christmas. In the Mantelli household Gigi and Alice, with their two children Riccardino and Niki and grandma Wanda, are preparing for a really traditional Christmas at home. Tree, nativity scene, presents, dinner on Christmas Eve, turkey, pigs trotters, nougat, Christmas cake... in other words, everything has been thought of. Everything is perfect. So perfect that Alice has some doubts: what if it is all a sham? If behind the decorations and sparkling stars there should be an irreversible matrimonial crisis?
A chance meeting in a taxi sparks off this suspicion: Cinzia, a woman who for years has had an affair with a married man, describes marriage what her idea of marriage is: it is boredom which kills the spark, all the rituals, the repetitive gestures ... Alice, anxious, is in no doubt as to what to do. She tackles Gigi and raises the alarm. Immediately they have to leave away from Christmas at home, travelling, far away, just the two of them, to rediscover one another. Gigi comes down to earth with a bump, he cannot see any crisis, but above all else he is rather fond of the idea of table groaning with goodies, the tastes, the warmth... But Alice is unyielding: if the crisis cannot be seen then it means that it is more devious, deeper. A ticket must be bought straight away for a faraway destination. The two of them alone, in order to save their marriage and their family.
But when they arrive at the airport in a rush, something inside them has changed. A glance is enough to understand that it was false move, and that they must go back to square one. Quickly, too...
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- Directed by: Simona Izzo
- Produced by: Rti, Grundy Italia
- Cast: Gerry Scotti, Maria Amelia Monti, Enrico Brignano
- HD: No
- Available languages:
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