- Genre: Comedy, Sentimental, Drama
- Total episodes: 1x100'
- Original title: VIAGGIO DELLA SPOSA (IL) (di Sergio Rubini)
- Year: 1997
Porzia Colonna, a beautiful young noblewoman, leaves the convent where she has been brought up since she was orphaned to be escorted to her future husband's castle where, upon her tutor's wish, she will be mar¬ried. Pure at heart, the young bride sets off on the long and perilous journey not only with the obedience and grace expected of a girl of her rank and edu-cation but also with the enthusiasm and eagerness of her age.
But before the convoy reaches the hills, it is ambushed by bandits and only the Countess and a boorish groom, Bartolo, are able to escape the carnage.
From then on, across mountains and valleys infested with bandits and wayward soldiers of fortune, the Countess has no choice but to rely on this dimwitted peasant to lead her to her destination though her strong mind and erudition inevitably make her lead the way, not without some contempt. But as the adventurous journey evol¬ves, Bartolo reveals a candid soul and many qualities, and the Countess can¬not help but falling in love with him. When they reach their destination, the Countess pleads with Bartolo to take her with him, for it's him she wants. Though deeply in love himself, in an ultimate gesture of altruism, Bartolo rejects her proposal as just another of the "whims" and leaves her to her fate. Porzia will marry a kind and worthy man and will lead a happy life. But on her dying bed, her last thoughts are for Bartolo, now an old school teacher, the man who never left her heart and to whom she sends the diary of that adventurous journey.
Additional info
- Directed by: Sergio Rubini
- Produced by: Mario e Vittorio Cecchi Gori
- Cast: Sergio Rubini, Giovanna Mezzogiorno
- HD: No
- Awards:
1998 - David di Donatello (Best Costume Design);
1998 - Golden Globe (Best actress)
- Available languages: